What Pornography Abstinence Actually Does [ARTICLE]

Course Details

Accreditation:NBCC ACEP: 7250
Credit Hours:2.25
Presenter:Dr. Jennifer Weeks

Course Description

A man having a realization about pornography abstinence. Group of people in white sweatshirts holding phones. All staring at their phones except the man in the center staring at the camera.

Often, in the treatment of Compulsive Sexual Behavior, clients are advised to engage in an abstinence period from pornography or all sexual activity. Despite a lack of data to support the assertion, this is often seen as an opportunity to “reset” the dopamine pathways.

This study, using a randomized controlled design, sought to assess the effects of a 7-day period of abstinence from pornography use in people who both did and did not have high levels of problematic pornography use.

The study reports findings on the effects of this sexual and pornography abstinence period on craving, affect and withdrawal symptoms.

This is an accredited course designed for Licensed Professional Counselors to earn Continuing Education Hours, or LPC CEHs

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  1. Come to understand the current thinking in the field relating to conceptualizing problematic pornography use.
  2. Understand the effect of frequency of pornography use in withdrawal-like symptoms.
  3. Come to understand the difficulties in studying pornography use and the limitations in generalizing related data.
Effects of a 7-Day Pornography Abstinence Period on Withdrawal-Related Symptoms in Regular Pornography Users What Pornography Abstinence Actually Does Quiz What Pornography Abstinence Actually Does Course Survey

Quarterly Membership
$63.75 / 3 Months
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15% Discount over Monthly Billing ($21.25 per month for 3 Months)
Monthly Membership
$25 / Month
Monthly Membership for NBCC ACEP SATS Courses
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Yearly Membership
$210 / Year
Yearly Membership for NBCC ACEP SATS Courses
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30% Discount over Monthly Billing ($17.50 per month for 12 Months)



Sexual Addiction Treatment Services

Jennifer Weeks, Ph.D., Director

190 Brodhead Rd, Suite 107 Bethlehem, PA 18017

610.844.7180 | sexualaddictiontreatmentservices.com | jweeks@satshealing.com

Sexual Addiction Treatment Services has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7250. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Sexual Addiction Treatment Services is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.